MMA Fighting has Wilder vs. Zhang results live for the Deontay Wilder vs. Zhilei Zhang boxing 5v5 fight card at the Freedom Arena on Saturday night in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
When the main event begins around 6 p.m. ET, check out our Wilder vs. Zhang live round-by-round updates for our live blog of the main event. Deontay Wilder and Zhilei Zhang headline a unique event that pits Queensberry Promotions against Matchroom Boxing in a five vs. five showdown featuring some of the best of both promotional stables.
Get Wilder vs. Zhang results below.
Main Card
Zhilei Zhang def. Deontay Wilder via fifth-round TKO (1:51) (live blog) | Watch finish | Reax
Daniel Dubois def. Filip Hrgovic via eighth-round TKO (0:57)
Dmitry Bivol def. Malik Zinad via sixth-round TKO (2:06) | Watch finish
Hamzah Sheeraz def. Austin Williams via 11th-round TKO (0:45)
Nick Ball def. Raymond Ford via split decision (113-115, 115-113 x2)
Willy Hutchinson def. Craig Richards via unanimous decision (116-112, 117-111, 119-109)
Check out the Wilder vs. Zhang undercard live blog below:
Dmitry Bivol vs. Malik Zinad
Prefight: Zinad walks first. He’s in white shorts with black trim and sporting red gloves.
Bivol comes to the ring with his belts and he’s much quicker than Zinad was. Zinad took a lifetime to walk 30 meters. Bivol is in lustrous silver trunks with black trim and black gloves. Go time.
Round 1: Both out in orthodox and Bivol takes the center right away. Feeling out process early as both men try to establish the jab. Zinad very aggressive with popping the jab but Bivol slipping or boxing them all. He lands a decent lead counter hook off one. Zinad staying committed to the jab, then zips a 2 in behind it. He’s not finding anything but he’s putting stuff out there.
Bivol comes in and we’ve got a rapid exchange with Zinad landing a good right to the body as Bivol went up top and found air. Both men jabbing. Zinad’s is coming from his waist and he’s starting to split the guard a bit.
But whoops! Zinad gets too brave and Bivol sits him down with a right hand as Zinad got caught square inside. Bivol steps in with a jab then a 2, 3 that floored Zinad. He seems OK though and he’s up and jabbing again. Zinad had an excellent round, and yet still got dropped. That probably doesn’t bode well for him.
MMA Fighting scores the round 10-8 Bivol.
Round 2: Bivol getting active with the lead hand, jabbing and feeding hooks around the guard. Testing the defenses. Zinad snapping the jab but he’s being a little more cautious after that knockdown. And Bivol lands a counter left hook when he drew out the jab. Bivol seems to have the distance down well now and Zinad is being very sparing with his offense.
Bivol lands a right off a down parry. He’s marching Zinad around the ring now. Zinad tries to get some respect but Bivol parries. Bivol is controlling this fight with his footwork now, maintaining range, staying outside until he wants. Zinad eats a sharp left when he gets caught napping again. Lack of concentration can kill.
MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9 Bivol, 20-17 Bivol overall.
Round 3: Zinad is standing stock still in the center and being extremely cautious with even his jab now. But Bivol is not forcing the issue for the moment. He’s keeping a high guard and then punches his way in. He rips a good right to the body. Zinad jabs the body. Both men letting the lead hands to the work for now.
And Bivol slips a jab and tags Zinad with a left hook. He returns fire and hits nothing. Bivol is putting a clinic on for the moment, not getting hit, landing his own shots, controlling the ring and the engagements. Zinad isn’t going away, but he’s clearly outclassed and out of ideas already.
Bivol is extremely impressive with his defense. He’s always defending at the right time. He comes in, tags Zinad with a combo, and blocks as Zinad tries to get him back. He’s three steps ahead.
MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9 Bivol, 30-26 Bivol overall.
Round 4: This fight has found a rhythm. Zinad is almost exclusively using his jab now and that’s not really going to work against a defensive mastermind like Bivol. He’s cruising, picking his spots and moving Zinad around the ring at will.
Zinad’s corner is now screaming. Audibly screaming. Not words. Just guttural screams. All while Bivol marches their fighter around hits him. Zinad’s nose is now bloodied. Zinad’s jab is slowing Bivol down. It’s not landing, but he’s firing it into Bivol’s gloves and that’s simply stemming his forward momentum. This could become a slog.
At the end of the round, Zinad tries some clowning and gets in Bivol’s face. Not sure you want to anger “The Machine” but let’s see how that works for him.
MMA Fighting scores 10-9 Bivol, 40-35 Bivol overall.
Round 5: They start the round jawing one another and the referee separates them. And to his credit, Zinad starts with some zip this round. He’s snapping the jab hard and following with the right. Bivol blocking it all, but this is good work. And he snaps a right hand in! Best punch of the night for Zinad lands.
And now Bivol is forcing the issue a little more. Jab in, hook counter when Zinad returns fire. Zinad is going to struggle to find much in full retreat though and Bivol isn’t giving him an inch of space. Zinad releasing the right hand more though and it’s starting to land some.
Good combo from Zinad who mixes levels but Bivol keeps coming at him. Zinad gets backed into the corner and starts to swing to back him off. Bivol keeps coming. Zinad might be getting tired. He came in on short notice and Bivol is controlling him, and now Zinad is content to punch back more and more. Dangerous, but he might have stolen a round for the first time tonight.
MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9 Zinad, 49-45 Bivol overall.
Round 6: Zinad lands a hook to the body early as Bivol got a little lazy. And another one up top this time. Bivol is controlling space though and resets. Hets the jab going. Lands a left hook. He’s not willing to step up his pace or power at this point.
Nevermind. He lands a nasty left hook. Zinad eats it well but that was salty. And a right over the top! Zinad is on shaky legs!! Bivol pounces on him! Zinad staying on his feet but the hands are not up to defend. Bivol pours on the combos. Mean body shot and gets Zinad to the corner! Big right hand and that’s it! Ref jumps in to save Zinad on his feet.
Official Decision: Dmitry Bivol def. Malik Zinad via TKO — Round 6, 2:06
Filip Hrgovic vs. Daniel Dubois
Prefight: Dubois comes out to Michael Jackson’s “Bad.” Not MJ’s best song, but still a banger. He’s in black shorts and black gloves.
Hrgovic out to something I can’t make out but it’s fun. He’s in white shorts with some red checkerboard patterning. Red, white, and blue gloves, going full Croatia for his outfit. Fitting. Go time.
Round 1: Both out orthodox. Dubois takes the center to start and he’s flashing the jab immediately. Dubois’s back is ENORMOUS. Man has lats that look like an aircraft carrier. Hrgovic with a low lead hand, sliding it up on angles to split the guard. He’s so light on his feet early.
Hrgovic lands a right over the snappy jab of Dubois. And another. And another. He’s finding that right cross early. And another, timing a dip from Dubois. And another. Dubois returns and Hrgovic lands a left. A lot of aggression early from Dubois is creating windows for Hrgovic.
OOF. Nasty right hand from Hrgovic but Dubois eats it again. He keeps getting tagged cleanly and he’s still standing. And Dubois lands a mean right of his own but Hrgovic is OK. Another 1-2 from Hrgovic. And a falling right. Dubois jabbing more but eats another right. And another. Dubois lands a right back. This is a torrid pace for the big fellas.
MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9 Hrgovic.
Round 2: Dubois back to the center to start and he’s firing the jab straight away. Hrgovic loops the lead hand and then zings the right in. Both men trade hard right hands. Hrgovic is backing Dubois up more. Good sneaky right hook from Hrgovic. Oof. 1-1-2 from Hrgovic lands. He’s backing Dubois up consistently at this point. Momentum may be shifting.
Another right over the jab. OH! Huge right hand for Dubois but Hrgovic takes it well. These men are hitting each other with ill intent and both are equal to the task so far. Hrgovic unloads a combination and gets home with a few. Dubois clinches for safety.
Hrgovic looking for a nifty lead rear uppercut but can’t quite find it yet. And Dubois lands a good pair of hooks. Then a left hand as Hrgovic was against the ropes. This has been quite fun so far.
MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9 Dubois, 19-19 overall.
Round 3: Dubois comes out with a fire underneath him. He charges across and gets Hrgovic on his heels immediately. Dubois still steady with the jab and Hrgovic is now doing the same. Hrgovic looks a bit winded already. This has been a high-paced fight so far. But Dubois seems fresh and he’s taking the initiative now.
Neither man landing the same big shots they were previously. Plenty of jabs both ways. Good right hand from Dubois lands over the rop. Hrgovic is cut but that was from a headbutt. And Hrgovic lands two good right hands. Dubois lands one of his own but Hrgovic lands another one. The jabs have dropped off as power punches are now the round.
MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9 Hrgovic, 29-28 Hrgovic overall.
Round 4: The last round was a total toss up. Dubois comes out with pep again and zips a bevy of jabs into Hrgovic. And he’s getting Hrgovic backed up. Dubois has Hrgovic in the corner and he tags the body. Hrgovic gets off and he’s starting to jab. Lands a good right. Dubois with a 4-punch combo but it catches arms. Good right hand from Hrgovic off a jab. And another off a counter. When Hrgovic wants to go, it’s sharp. But he’s getting lazy.
Lands a good left to the body. Hrgovic starting to get home more as Dubois takes some deep breaths. He’s still pressuring though. Hrgovic lands a right hand. He’s against the ropes and firing. Dubois clinches. Another good right.
Hrgovic starting to come forward but he’s bleeding a lot from the cut now. Dubois fires back and Hrgovic clinches. The cut over his right eye seems to be bothering him a bit now.
MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9 Hrgovic, 39-37 Hrgovic overall.
Round 5: Dubois takes the center yet again. Hrgovic is content to slide around the outside. Both men breathing heavily. Dubois gets him to the corner and lands a leaping right hand.
Hrgovic eats a jab and now comes forward. He can when he wants to. And lands a few of his own. Hrgovic lands a slick little uppercut as Dubois leapt in. Good body shot from Hrgovic and then a hook up top. And a right that sends a jolt through Dubois! That’s the first time a shot made him react, but he’s OK. And then the ref stops the action to warn Hrgovic for holding the head.
Good body shot from Hrgovic. He’s starting to go downstairs more now and it’s magic for him. Dubois goes back to his jab and a good right hand. Low blow from Dubois but we’re back to action. OOF. 1-1-2 from Hrgovic and the right hand landed clean. Dubois once again eats it though and returns fire.
MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9 Hrgovic, 49-46 Hrgovic overall.
Round 6: Dubois takes the lead again but he’s more cautious now. Damage piling up for both men. Night right hand over the top from Dubois but Hrgovic rolls it and lands a sharp uppercut against the ropes as Dubois stepped in.
Left hook to the body from Dubois. Jab. Double jab to a clinch. Nice right from Dubois as Hrgovic got caught out of position on a right of his own. More clinching in this round as both men slow down. Matchroom might not get the KO they need.
Good double jab to a right hand from Hrgovic. Dubois doubles his own jab back. A lot of clinching this round. Not really sure who gets it.
MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9 Dubois, 58-56 Hrgovic overall.
Round 7: Dubois out with alacrity this round and gets a good right around the guard. Hrgovic is now cut over the left eye as well. Dubois lands again. He’s got pep in his step. Dubois taking the initiative now as Hrgovic seems exhausted. He’s backing up freely to the corner. Dubois puts it on him, clinches, breaks and right back to it. Good right hand lands. He’s found a second wind now and he’s trying to take this fight from Hrgovic.
Left inside for Dubois. Good combination as Hrgovic looks like he’s wilting. Dubois lands a monster right hook up top and Hrgovic is holding and retreating. He’s on dead legs. Maybe not wobbled, but just spent. Dubois has clubbing Hrgovic now. Putting him in the corner and laying the lumber.
OOF. An ENORMOUS right hand lands clean for Dubois and he’s still standing by will. Break for a headbutt but with seconds left Dubois leaps in and thumps him and Hrgovic is hurt! He stumbles to the corner and they sound desperate.
MMA Fighting scores the round 10-8 Dubois, 66-66 overall.
Round 8: This fight might very well be over. Hrgovic is gassed and Dubois knows it. He comes out with energy. Not sure how Hrgovic can find a way back with his cardio in shambles.
Big right from Dubois when Hrgovic throws a lazy left. He’s busted up, bloody, and Dubois knows this win is on the table. Ref stops the action to have the doctor look at the cuts. AND THAT’S IT!!!
WOW. Incredible performance from Dubois. And it’s clarified that both cuts were ruled by punches, so that’s a clean stoppage.
Official Decision: Daniel Dubois def. Filip Hrgovic via TKO (cut) — Round 8, 0:57
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